mandag 26. april 2010

Bring out the welcoming committee

Roll out the red carpet, sound the fanfare and let loose the doves for I have arrived at the blog scene. After having debated (mostly internally) for a long time whether or not I felt the desire to further contribute to clog up the tubes with yet another blog of inane ramblings about my cats, rampant homophobia or last tuesday's bout of flatulence, I finally succumbed. There are millions of blogs available today, and while most struggle to justify their own existence, or seem to revel in being unnecessary, there are some that are good, and a few that are great (and even some that are just plain ridiculous). And though I realise that the chances of me turning up another great one - particularly when considering certain recent life changing events along with my daily schedule - are slim, my ambitious nature in the end convinced me that I just might be able to churn out a product that might at least be considered interesting.

I have never been a person who wrote journals or diaries, and the idea of doing so seems to me to be somewhat redundant at best. Yet even so, I do find the idea of recording important or interesting events for posterity to be valuable, and that's the general idea behind my final decision to join the blogs. However, I can not promise daily updates because, frankly, my life is not that interesting, and I feel no desire to bother my potential audience with details of my chosen meal for lunch, or that troublesome nasal hair I found while getting ready to leave for work. The updates will come whenever I feel I have something interesting to share, when I have found something worthy of commenting upon or whenever I do something which I consider fun and which others might consider entertaining as well.

As the geek that I am I am passionately interested in technology and various sciences, and this blog will obviously also reflect this. I will, for instance, be writing posts about my various projects and experiments which will be carried out, almost always to the amusement of my better half. However, as my, at the time of writing this, three months old twins can attest to, time is at a premium these days, but even so I hope to find the oportunities to carry out my projects. One project in particular, one that to a large degree finally made me decide to start a blog, will be documented. I will be building my own "ultimate machine" inspired by one that I stumbled upon while browsing, and this will of course be documented to a certain extent.

My countrymen will probably wonder why I chose to write this in english, so I will try my best to explain it to them. Let's see; there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet, and it is estimated that out of those a grand total of 500 million to 1.8 billion people in the world speak english as their first, or second language. How many people fluent in norwegian are there? Approximately 5 million. You do the math. Oh, and yes; I did use wikipedia there; I find it useful - at least as a starting point for further research. However, if I find the time or the will, I might at some point do a translated version for my potential norwegian readers.

So what else is there to say at this time? Well, while I cannot make any promises with regard to the frequency of my postings, I promise to always check my spelling and my grammar to the best of my abilities, and I will provide sources and citations whenever I feel they are appropriate or required. I will not moderate the comments to my posts unless their spelling and grammar are atrocious to the point of making me want to kill puppies.

By the way; I don't have any cats, and last tuesday was flatulence free.

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