tirsdag 11. mai 2010

The Ultimate Machine - part 2

The weather was good on sunday as well, so I was able to make the lid and complete the box. After planing the lid, and all edges once more with 180 grit followed by a quick planing with 240 grit, I took the box apart and stained it. In retrospect I learned that I shouldn't have taken it apart for this because the staining process distorted the wood just enough to throw it slightly off at the edges. This can't be helped though, and it doesn't really have to be perfect - this is the prototype after all, and I am planning to build at least one more.

I chose an aptly named oil-based colour, "dark cherry", and in my opinion it's a gorgeous stain that really brings the wood to a different level. I have not applied it evenly, but that was not my intention anyway as I was hoping for a sort of weathered antique look, and we shall see if I succeeded in this after applying the lacquer.

Additionally I was able to make the plaque for the lid. This was my first attempt at engraving, and I did it freehand using my trusty old Dremel. In my opinion it came out rather well, and again; it doesn't have to be perfect. The plaque was cut from a sheet of 0.5mm brass, and it looks gorgeous against the dark cherry wood.

As the stain had dried out sufficiently by yesterday evening, I was able to find the time to apply the lacquer. I chose an oil-based high-gloss lacquer for wood, and spread it out nice and even with a soft brush. Hopefully this will dry out evenly and leave a slick and shiny surface, however, I am prepared to polish the pieces if necessary. So as you can imagine, I am terribly excited to come home from work this afternoon to check it out. Expect sexy images of the freshly stained reassembled box with a high gloss surface coating.

See you in part 3.

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